The services I offer to Clients are defined and regulated by the Architect’s Registration Board in the UK and the Ordre des Architectes in France. The financial protection of Client’s interests is mandatory in France and also required by the RIBA. Clients should be reassured that I offer Full Liability for the service provided.
For further information regarding the regulation of Architect’s services, please either contact me directly, or the RIBA on 020 7580 5533, the ARB on 020 7580 5861, or the Ordres des Architectes on 04 67 22 47 13 (Languedoc Roussillon) in France.
Fees are broadly in line with recommendations from the RIBA and OdA, and vary from 9% to 12% depending on complexity. Hourly rates vary from £85 – £120 per hour depending on project locality etc. All fees will be quoted in advance of any work commencing.
You may contact me during the day at this address:-
Roger Minost RIBA
Chates Studio, Stonepit Lane
Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9QT
Telephone (44) 01273 494779